
56 pages 1 hour read

Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2002

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Chapter 11-EpilogueChapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “International Economics: How Did a Nice Country Like Iceland Go Bust?”

This chapter deals with how economics works between countries. Wheelan starts by positing that in theory there should be no difference between economics within one country and between more than one. Political boundaries are arbitrarily imposed on geography, trade takes place, capital flows across such borders, investors seek the highest rate of return—all the same principles apply. The difference, however, is that countries use different currencies, none of which, as the previous chapter showed, have intrinsic value. Thus, the exchange rate should be determined by how much of each currency is needed to purchase the same amount of goods. The term economists use for this is purchasing power parity (PPP).

In fact, official exchange rates often vary a great deal from what PPP would indicate. This is because not all goods and services can be traded across national boundaries. For example, caregiving, car washes, and restaurant dining. For internationally tradable items, a savvy business person could take advantage of large price discrepancies to make a profit. Wheelan gives the example of $100 buying more goods in Mexico than in America. You could exchange US dollars for pesos and get more bang for your buck. Selling those goods in the US would provide a tidy profit. At a large enough scale, this would cause the currencies to approach the same level of PPP because the demand for pesos would rise and thus so would its price relative to the dollar. With nontradable items, however, price discrepancies cannot be exploited, so this dynamic doesn’t work with a whole swath of goods and services.

The rates matter because they help determine which way the majority of trade flows between two countries. China, for instance, has often kept the value of its currency (the renminbi) artificially low relative to the dollar. A dollar can thus buy more goods from China than it can in the US, which translates into a demand for Chinese imports by Americans. Conversely, American goods become overpriced in China, so fewer Chinese want to buy American imports. Like any government intervention, Wheelan writes, this can be a useful tool or a distortion of the market. A country’s currency is usually stronger when its economy is booming, as investors rush to invest there and spark demand for the currency. A country’s central bank can also set high interest rates, attracting foreign capital for the high return, which boosts the value of the local currency.

Wheelan then explains the different ways exchange rates can be set. When countries’ currencies used the gold standard, the rate was determined by whatever amount of currency bought one ounce of gold. However, this system limits the tools available to a government under monetary policy. Rates for most currencies today are called “floating”; that is, they are set by supply and demand on the world market like any other commodity. Another option is to make them “fixed” to some predetermined amount (this is similar to the gold standard but without a precious metal to back it up). A drawback with this is that there is nothing keeping a government from abandoning it, which is often the case under extreme economic pressure. Occasionally, countries can use another country’s currency—essentially “borrowing someone else’s strong reputation” (263). Argentina did this in the 1990s, backing its peso by US dollars. This posed a problem because the Argentine government had no control over the dollar and was thus left at its mercy.

Currency crises happen for different reasons but play out in similar ways. First, a country attracts a large amount of foreign capital for whatever reason. Then a negative event takes place that acts as a trigger (the government takes on too much debt, an asset bubble bursts, etc.). In the aftermath, foreign investors pull out—sometimes in a rush—causing an economic downturn. This is what happened to Iceland in 2008. Among the many problems, its largely unregulated banks set high interest rates to attract foreign capital and used some of it to engage in risky investments. Eventually, they were left with high debts in foreign currencies and a falling currency of their own.

The chapter ends with a discussion of the US-China trade relationship. As noted earlier, China devalues its currency relative to the dollar. This makes its exports to the US attractive to consumers since the dollar can buy more goods. The result is a trade imbalance. China’s government also helps keep its currency undervalued by buying up US treasury bonds. This stimulates demand for dollars, keeping the price up. Thanks largely to its trade relationship with China, the US consistently consumes more than it produces, which results in high budget deficits. The US manages it because the dollar is in such demand worldwide as the most stable currency. This poses risks for both countries in the long run. China could stop buying US bonds or sell the ones it holds, and the US could default on its debt or let inflation eat away the value by printing more money. For now, the relationship is stable, but at some point, it will change.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Trade and Globalization: The Good News About Asian Sweatshops”

Wheelan is unabashedly in favor of free and open international trade, a case he makes throughout Chapter 12. He begins with the hypothetical premise of a world in which corn can miraculously be turned into an iPhone. The punchline is it can—through trade. Anyone doubtful about the benefits of trade should imagine a life without it, which would be poor and drab. If everything were sourced locally or from one’s immediate vicinity, very little variety of goods could be had as everyone eked out a living from the land. Trade makes a wide range of goods and services available and raises everyone’s standard of living. The recent increase in globalization and interdependence has shown this.

It’s true that trade creates losses for some, as any market does. However, Wheelan argues it’s wrong to think that globalization has taken away many of America’s jobs and moved them to countries like China and Mexico. In the decade after 2000, 5.6 million manufacturing jobs were indeed lost in the US. The truth is, though, that just 15% of them went abroad while 85% were replaced by automation. Technology, then, is a much larger threat to jobs than trade, especially low-skilled jobs. It’s worth noting that by the end of that same decade manufacturing output was more than two times larger, even as fewer workers were used.

Much of the chapter goes point by point through the benefits of trade, starting with the fact that it makes us richer. We can each spend time doing what we’re good at—specializing—and that makes us productive. As Wheelan put it, “Trade makes the most efficient use of the world’s scarce resources” (283). Countries with few resources and little human capital can still benefit in such a system by way of comparative advantage. Wheelan uses the example of Bangladesh and the United States. The former has the advantage of offering cheaper low-skilled labor, allowing workers in the US to do what they do best. Thus, Bangladesh can manufacture clothing to offer the US in trade. Bangladeshi workers benefit because this work is better than many alternatives.

As for those who lose out in trade, like American workers whose job manufacturing clothes moved to Bangladesh, Wheelan makes two points. First, it’s absolutely true that individual cases of trade can negatively affect people and their communities. That’s why he argues for a strong government response for those people by taxing the winners and providing the losers with both financial assistance and job training. Second, in the long term, trade will increase economic growth, making everyone better off. Protectionism might seem like an answer, but while it may save some jobs in the short run, it hinders economic growth in the long run because people are not able to do what they do best.

Another benefit of trade is lower cost goods for consumers. Put another way, this is the same as consumers getting an increase in income (as their expenses are less). If this is true for Americans, for example, some might think it must then be bad for people in poorer countries. Not so, writes Wheelan; trade is not zero-sum game but creates benefits for everyone, “pav[ing] the way for poor countries to get richer” (290). This happened to all the so-called “Asian tigers”—countries like Japan, South Korea, and Singapore—which today are rich, developed nations.

The same process has been happening in China since the 1980s. For a time, its GDP doubled every ten years, pulling millions out of poverty and into the middle class. Even sweatshops have their benefits, Wheelan writes, because they offer job training and higher wages than the alternative (which is often subsistence farming). Over time, the workers become richer and better educated, and some found businesses of their own. As more people in a country get richer through trade, their priorities change in areas such as the environment. As China grew through manufacturing, the environmental damage was great. Now that more people comprise a middle class, they’re demanding changes for a cleaner environment in part because they can—the country is now rich enough to pay for cleanups. Without this economic development, environmental degradation would remain widespread. With climate change, of course, greater development increases energy use, but Wheelan argues the answer is to work for cleaner energy and manufacturing, not curtail these activities altogether.

Chapter 13 Summary: “Development Economics: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations”

The final chapter covers how economics plays out in the developing world. The economies of many nations are unsuccessful, leaving over 800 million people in the world without even enough to eat. There have been success stories in the past several decades that have pulled millions out of poverty, most notably in China and India, but much work remains. The path that worked for them and other Asian nations doesn’t necessarily work for every country. We do, however, know what makes many developed economies successful, and Wheelan reviews them in this chapter.

Perhaps the most important factor is an effective government. Everything else stems from laws, institutions, the collection and proper use of taxes, and systems set up like public health, education, and property rights. Property builds wealth. Many people in developing countries live on land that they don’t own or that they only own nominally but not legally. One study estimated that the total value of this land worldwide is $9 trillion. Yet it’s “dead capital”—it can’t be used as collateral for loans, which is how many people get ahead. Another aspect related to government is the proper level of regulation. As Wheelan puts it, “Government has plenty to do—and even more that it should not do” (308). Too much regulation distorts the market and stifles growth. It also invites corruption, which siphons off money that doesn’t get put to productive use.

Another factor of successful economies is human capital. All countries with sustained growth have a well-educated and well-trained citizenry. Education goes far beyond mere job skills and influences areas as significant as public health and family size (better educated women general have fewer children). Human capital requires a kind of “critical mass,” however. Skilled workers need other skilled workers around them to make a difference. A world-class heart surgeon, for example, dropped in the middle of a small rural village with no trained support staff cannot do very much.

Geography seems to play a role as well: aside from Hong Kong and Singapore, none of the richest countries lie in the tropics around the equator. Mostly likely, this is because tropical weather is not conducive to growing food but is very conducive to spreading disease. Likewise, natural resources can affect economic success—though perhaps in a surprising way. Economists now think that having an abundance of natural resources actually hinders development. It prevents diversification by limiting input into other endeavors like manufacturing, which may be better for growth in the long run. Also, when countries are dependent on commodities, they are vulnerable to times when prices decrease. Even when prices are high, it’s not all positive since this drives up the value of the currency, which (as noted in Chapter 11) makes a country’s exports more expensive.

As the previous chapter made clear, being open to free trade is another aspect of a successful economy. Nations with high trade barriers often remain underdeveloped. In addition, having sensible fiscal and monetary policies are important for staying out of debt and keeping inflation at bay. Democracy is also a factor, as research has shown that it is associated with higher levels of growth. One key exception as of late is China; it has gotten less democratic over the past decades even as it grew faster (Wheelan returns to this in the Epilogue).

The final two factors are war (very bad) and women (very good). Regarding the latter, underdeveloped countries often prevent their women from realizing their potential. Studies have shown, however, that women are actually better stewards of money than men, and developing economies grow more when women work and gain wealth.

Epilogue Summary: “Life in 2050: Eight Questions”

The Epilogue consists of eight questions Wheelan poses about the year 2050—“because the decisions that we make now will affect how we live then” (325). The first involves productivity and whether it will continue to increase, which would increase our options regarding work. Americans work long hours, and Wheelan wonders whether we will decide to cut back at some point and find more utility in nonmaterial things. Secondly, what will we decide to do about inequality? Compared to Europe, the capitalism in the US economy is harsher, with more people left outside the system and unaided by a social safety net. He wonders whether we will continue our current path or decide to sacrifice some growth to help the disadvantaged more.

Next, the author wonders how creative we will be in trying to solve social issues. It boils down one of the fundamental ideas discussed in Chapter 2: incentives. If we get those right, we can solve many problems; markets themselves ignore social problems, so we have to actively design effective incentives. The next question is about how we will choose to set up our economy. As Wheelan stresses, this is not preordained. It’s true that the market will tend toward the most efficient direction, but we don’t have to accept that if we decide another way gives us more meaning. As usual, he warns about interfering with markets, but as long we are clear-eyed about what the costs are and make sure they are borne by those who most benefit, we could choose from among many directions.

Wheelan also wonders whether we have more to learn about monetary policy and if we can do more to prevent the cycle of boom-and-bust that has been such a steady pattern. Next, he ponders whether poor countries will still be poor 30 years from now. Perhaps governments will step up to create the kinds of conditions that we know lead to successful economies, or maybe rich countries will do more to help them along.

The final two questions involve the two largest economies: the United States and China. First, Wheelan wonders whether the US will ever break its habit of deficit spending and improve its debt picture. It can’t go on forever, but we’ve developed a national aversion to taxes. At the same time, we don’t seem willing to drastically cut back the size of government. Strong leadership will be needed to find a way out of this scenario. Lastly, can China and other authoritarian states become wealthy and maintain that status? The end of the Cold War brought heady pronouncements about the victory of a liberal political order. Today, 20 years into the new century, China is less democratic than it was. Economists disagree about whether China will be able to navigate continued growth while staying politically authoritarian or whether it will need to become more democratic.

Chapter 11-Epilogue Analysis

The final chapters turn to international economics and how it compares to domestic economics. At heart, the basics are the same, and the author’s theme of having free and open markets applies equally here. He advocates for international trade without tariffs or other forms of protectionism. He defends this more than once by emphasizing it is beneficial for everyone in the long run and, recent American political debate notwithstanding, creates more economic growth in this country over time. However, he also strongly advocates government intervention in the form of aid and re-training, as he emphasizes that there will be those who lose out. As necessary and inevitable as creative destruction is, he’s not willing to just cast people aside in the name of unrelenting growth. You might say he practices compassionate economics.

One area that remains a bit of a conundrum is development economics. Many approaches to helping developing nations permanently improve their economies have failed, and Wheelan has no real prescription. What he does instead is to describe the factors we know are important for a successful economy to have. (Implementing these are another thing altogether). Not surprisingly, good governance is necessary for many of them, illustrating again the important role governments have in creating and maintaining a functioning framework for economies. He illustrates this with a study that examined economies in countries formerly colonized by European nations. In places where Europeans settled (rather than just extracting raw materials), they established institutions that still influence economic growth. Of the 64 former colonies studied, the results showed a large positive difference in current wealth in the countries where institutions had been established, indicating just how important good governance is to economies.

At the close of the book, Wheelan returns to the theme of choosing the world we want. He devotes the entire Epilogue to speculating about the future, not as an academic exercise but because we need to plan and make decisions. This highlights the control we have over what kind of society we end up with. Some economic textbooks might leave one with the sense of an abstract field that is sort of there in the background, if not imposed upon our lives. Wheelan’s book, on the other hand, indicates that the tail does not wag the dog. Naked Economics teaches readers about the fundamentals of economics in order that we understand them enough to put them to use as tools in shaping our world.

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